ReluxCAD for AutoCAD – Drawing scene objects

Learn how to draw objects in ReluxCAD.

The "Draw Objects" command prompts you to select the scene. This can still be modified in the dialog if necessary.

If required, you can enter an appropriate designation under "Name".

Under "Object type", select the desired type:

  • doors
  • windows
  • cubes
  • measuring area

"Add elements" menu.

The input options will adapt as a function of the type in question (window: height, etc. ).

You should now select the button with the arrow and follow the instructions in the command line.

In the case of a window, for instance, you will be prompted to enter the starting and end point of the window on the plan.

You can draw a number of objects without having to close the dialog.  The "Relux"  command will take you into ReluxDesktop where you can check the result. 

If an object has been entered incorrectly, it has to be deleted manually in ReluxDesktop.

Note: wall elements (windows/doors) do not have to be directly in the wall. The selected points will be automatically projected into the wall.

Overview of ReluxCAD for AutoCAD


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