ReluxDesktop | Groups

Boolean groups

In 3D Modeling, by Boolean operations we mean creating intersections and unions of objects, as well as subtracting objects from each other.

Generate a Boolean group

To generate a Boolean object, it is necessary to select the objects involved and then select the desired operation via the context menu

> Right click in the 3D/2D view, right click in the scene tree) or in the main menu Edit > Create Boolean group .

Creating a boolean object.

If the objects are closed and thus suitable for a Boolean operation, they will be included in the operation. 

Objects with openings will be ignored during Boolean operations. 

The Relux scene tree then shows the generated Boolean object as a group. 

The operand geometries are sub-objects of the Boolean object.

In the example of a difference the sequence inside the Boolean group is decisive. 

The first object is the original object and all further objects are subtracted from this. 

Boolean groups or parameterized groups (field, strip, circle) can also be fitted into each other.

The Boolean object can still be edited after it has been created. 

To do this, you should click on one of the operand objects in the scene tree and edit it via the property window or in the 2D/3D view.

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